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Zigbee Sensors

Vesternet Zigbee Door & Window Sensor

The VES-ZB-DOR-025 is a Zigbee Door & Window Sensor and offers the following features:. A manual for this device can be downloaded here. Available here. One file is required for this particular Device:. Please report any issues with the Vesternet Zig

Vesternet Zigbee Motion Sensor

The VES-ZB-PIR-021 is a Zigbee Motion Sensor and offers the following features:. A manual for this device can be downloaded here. Available here. One file is required for this particular Device:. Please report any issues with the Vesternet Zigbee Dev

Vesternet Zigbee Temperature & Humidity Sensor

The VES-ZB-TEM-027 is a Zigbee Temperature & Humidity Sensor and offers the following features:. A manual for this device can be downloaded here. Available here. One file is required for this particular Device:. Please report any issues with the Vest