Vesternet Zigbee Remote Control (12 Button)Updated 7 months ago
The VES-ZB-REM-013 is a Zigbee Remote Control and offers the following features:
- Four buttons labelled 1 - 4 with simple on / off markings
- Two buttons labelled with S1 & S2
- Two buttons with simple on / off markings
- Pushed, held and released events for buttons 1 - 4
- Pushed events for buttons S1 & S2
- Main On / Off buttons sends pushed event for buttons 1 - 4 simultaneously
- Candy-bar shape design
- Indicator LED
- Long life CR2450 Battery
- Zigbee 3.0 works with ZigbBee ZHA & Zigbee ZLL Hubs & Bridges
A manual for this device can be downloaded here.
Vesternet Zigbee Device Drivers
Available here.
One file is required for this particular Device:
- Vesternet VES-ZB-REM-013 4 Channel Remote Control.groovy
Please report any issues with the Vesternet Zigbee Device Drivers by submitting a technical request ticket.
This Vesternet Device has the following features when used with our supporting Device Driver in the Hubitat Smart Home Controller (tested with Hubitat firmware version
- Supports Pushed, Held, and Released Events for each button in Groups 1 - 4.
- Supports Pushed Events for S1 and S2 buttons.
- Reports Battery Level Events.
- Can be used as a "Trigger" for Pushed, Held, and Released Events in built-in Apps such as Basic Rule, Simple Automation Rules and Rule Machine.